Novel 'O Man of Clay.' After sea-level rise.

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County Durham, United Kingdom
'O Man of Clay,' set in Hartlepool and Siberia in the near future while the tundra is thawing and the sea level rising, was published in January 2020 by Stairwell Books.

Monday, 13 January 2020


Drake the Bookshop, Stockton
On Saturday 25th January during the day I'll be inhabiting Drake the Bookshop in Stockton and reading from and signing my debut climate change novel ‘O Man of Clay.’ The novel, a speculative fable set in Hartlepool in the near future imagines the lives of  inhabitants of the shore who find themselves almost cut off by a rapidly rising wall.
Come and meet me, have a chat about books, writing, reading, Hartlepool and the climate crisis or whatever strikes you.    

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